Monday, June 04, 2007

Rapidkl where art thou

Let us wait and see whether SPNB will reply to this letter to the editor which appeared in the Star of 4th June 2007.

'We pay the fare, we expect to arrive on time
On May 29,passengers on the LRT Kelana Jaya line had to wait about 30 minutes in the train just because of an uncertain reason. Yes, we understand that if the management didn’t take any safety measures it might end up with a disaster.
A problem will not be a problem if it only appears once in a while, but there had been too many ‘breakdowns’, too many delays and too many letters telling us, we are sorry. I don’t want any letters anymore. I don’t want to know your problems. I don’t want to know the solutions. I pay the fee and I want to use the train without hassle, and without getting to the office late. I hope SPNB will understand that inefficiency in the system will cause a lot of problems, especially to the working population. And if SPNB fails to cater for 16% of the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor population (as per October, 2006) how would it manage to cater for 40% more?
Kuala Lumpur'

Will this be just another letter to the editor that is thrown into the rubbish can? I have a feeling that is the fate of countless other letters and calls to SPNB on the subject of the frequent delays and breakdowns of their trains.
Does the management even have an iota of interest in the long suffering commuter?

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