Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stop using God’s name in vain

A letter to the Editor which appeared in the Star 22 March 2010

I REFER to the letter “Gay lifestyle not welcome in our society” (The Star, March 22).

The writer sure has some issues about those who embrace the “alternative” lifestyle.

I do agree that in this day and age, the marriage institution is not what it used to be, but that doesn’t mean that all broken homes produce perverse people! Materialistic? Well, that depends on the individuals.

And please, stop using God’s name in vain.

I’ve had it up to here with those who use God’s name to abuse and seduce innocents, young and old and sadistically torture living things (read animals and humans), not forgetting those who love ramming down our throat anything to do with religion.

I have great friends who are gay and believe me, they love you and treat you with more respect than most of the God-fearing souls I’ve met in my journey through life.



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