Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mobiles nuisance

The article on mobiles being everywhere struck me as very true since what the author said reflects a common scene found in every nook and corner of the country. Whenever a group gathers for a meal, almost always the first action as they take their seats would be taking out the mobile to check the latest updates on their social networking sites. What exactly is the point of meeting each other if there is no conversation amongst them? They might as well be at home or somewhere else and continue their communicatons with others using their mobiles. At least, there will not be as much stress on themselves making the effort to come to the designated place at the appointed time. The traffic conditions especially in the urban centres are not to be sniffed at. So why not forego the motions of meeting each other and just enjoy the mobiles at home. Saves energy, time and fuel.

Image from globaltrade

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