Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Another take on the weekend demonstration

Another letter to the editor which caught my attention.

The part that I like:

"As a senior citizen, I can safely say that I have seen more than others.

Nothing much has changed because those with political ambitions always begin their dream in many capacities and they all claim to fight for the people and justice.

But they compromise their ideals and values for their own pursuits. How can they claim the elections are not fair when PAS has been in control of Kelantan for so long?"

I guess the demonstrators feel that their action is the only avenue left to voice out their frustrations with the system. But as the writer said, how did the opposition remain in control of a state for so long? There must be something right as well with the system. We have to acknowledge there are always room for improvement in the way we do things but does the end justify the means?

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