Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Employer at the mercy of maids

My sympathy goes to the working mother who finds herself at the mercy of her Indonesian maid who is now demanding more pay for the little that she does around the house. The problem started when the maid returned from her leave. The writer who has given so much freedom to the maid is now held at ransom and is now at wit's end trying to find the right balance of authority and kindness. Some may dismiss this as of no consequence but it hits hard on those who depend on the maids.

The never ending problem of maids has put a strain on many households especially those with children. How are working parents going to have some peace of mind when the safety of their children is suspect. We have been depending too much on outside sources for maids and there has not been any incentive for the locals to take over the job. Would creches or day care centres nearby help? The recent reports on deaths at a nursery and child care centre has put that solution at risk too.

Those without immediate family members are putting their children at risk with the maids, nurseries and day care centres. But what other choices do they have? A better supervison of those who care for the children is needed but implemening rules and regulations does take time and effort. There would be loopholes and black sheeps will appear now and again. It is a dilmema for the parents. Would full time housewives be a solution? The proliferation of online businesses helmed by mothers might be a positive sign but not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur.

Everyone has their own calling and interest, so the mothers who have to depend on the maids have to grit their teeth and bare with the inconvenience of sulks from maids until the children can fend for themselves.

Image from billyuniversal

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