Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Ulamas want kongsi raya celebrations reviewed

That headline appeared in the The Star 14th June 2006.

Here we go again. Why do Islamic religious leaders in Malaysia keep on harping on minor issues. There are other important and urgent issues to be discussed rather than a review of practices such as the 'kongsi raya' celebrations and open house. It seems this is to ensure that the celebrations do not contradict Islamic laws.

'the National Fatwa Committee had decided that celebrating the festivals of other religions could erode the faith of Muslims and could lead to blasphemy.'

Has there been any indications of such thing happening. I for one who is not well versed in Islamic laws cannot see what went wrong. I have always thought that once the fundamental allegiance that there is 'Only One God That Is Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger' has been made, all else will follow suit. The Muslims will learn about the good and bad guided by that oath.

The open house concept is just celebrating each others big day. I do not see any wavering from that fundamental oath. I'm sure there are some Muslims who partake of forbidden things during those festivities but I doubt they have forgotten that oath or have had a change of heart and change their allegiance to others.

The leaders must look again at what exactly is affecting the community. Are they afraid of losing the flock. If that really is the case, should not the way the religion has been thought be reviewed. At the moment the hell and brimstone aspect is emphasised and the beauty of the whole concept of Islam has been neglected. The Muslims in Malaysia seem to be Muslims in name but the love for their religion is missing. The externals are there but the fundamentals are not internalised. What a shame.

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