Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Why the Malay Agenda won’t help Malays

This article sums up quite neatly what is happening among the Malays in Malaysia today - 2006. This article is in theedgedaily and the printed version appeared on 12 June 2006.

Some excerpts.

"But more often than not, it'’s not the community they are looking out for. They are looking out for themselves and for very narrow interests within the community, often at the expense of the very community they purport to represent."

"They" in this article refers to the leaders of the Malay community. How so very true but of course it is not acknowledged by "them". There are also supporters who do not mind being their lackeys as long as they get their share of the largesse. A continuation of the feudal lord-servant mentality, perhaps?

"The new Malay Agenda must recognise that a clean, efficient and incorruptible government serves the Malay's best interests and that what is good for the country as a whole is good for the Malays too because they form the majority in the country. In many ways, the new Malay Agenda will also be a Malaysian Agenda."

A most heartening wish. I do hope it will become a reality but I doubt this will happen in my lifetime. Maybe in the next generation or two if everyone is willing to put the good of the community first. That will be the day.

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