Sunday, August 20, 2006

The first flowers

It was with pride and joy when I saw the flowers today. Granted, it was just two flowers. To me, it was lovely and as you may have noticed I started the paragraph with the word "pride". It might be the pride before the downfall as I'm unsure whether there will be repeat performances from them - the plants. I do hope there will be more blooms in future. There is always that bit of trepidation not knowing whether I have done too much or too little. I'm talking about another life.
In this case, the pride and joy for this particular life may not be in the same category as parents who welcome their first born. But my feelings the moment I saw the flowers was akin to those proud parents. I should pass around the cigars.
I guess I'm taking liberties with this momentous event. I definitely did not do much in terms of nurturing the plants for the past week, watered them twice. I cannot take any credit for their magnificient show of colours or those perfect petals seen through my rose tinted lenses. Nature deservedly gets the major credit.
Thanks Mother Nature. Thanks flowers. I hope to see more of you soon.

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