Monday, June 04, 2007

Air Asia Express boarding

I saw for the first time how this system works when I took a flight from the LCCT on Saturday, 2nd June 2007. For the aged, infirmed and those with young children, it is a good idea to fork out the extra ringgit to get into the queue. Air Asia seems heartless when introducing this system. The usual group of elderly citizens and those with young children are now at the mercy of the unruly mob at the normal queue.
As a letter to the editor in one of the local dailies suggested, it might be a good idea to have this group as the second priority after the express boarding group. Profits is one thing and making money out of every conceivable opportunity is another matter altogether. The human face of Air Asia should also be taken into consideration. Surely, the management does not want the 'Now everyone can fly' to be changed to 'Now only those with money and the fit can fly'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, sometimes they just dont seem to take customers into consideration. Be keen to hear others views on air asia.