Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Violence between family members

The news that a father stabbed his son over a parking spot seems the latest in family squabbles that involved violence. We can't make judgements over who is responsible until the authorities have finished their investigations but is this the current trend that any disagreement will be solved using violent means. Have we become so short-tempered that we are inclined to be violent.

I can understand if parents use the cane on their naughty children but even then it should be used sparingly and as a last resort. Using the cane has never been the most effective way to instill good behaviour among young children. In this case the son is a young adult but I digress.

I am perturbed that such violent flare ups are more common or has it always been that way but unreported? As far as I know, few cases of family quarrels involved that degree of violence a decade ago unless the parties involved went berserk. A quarrel over a parking spot seems such a minor incident but most probably it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

It is hard to believe that the parking lot was the main issue. Any outburst from anyone is usually the result of pent-up emotions just waiting for the right moment to be released. The son might not even be the target of the repressed feelings. That is one of the reasons psychiatrists coax their patients to talk. The talking sessions on the couch seen in movies and dramas is an outlet for deeper feelings kept hidden from others.

We must talk and not keep quiet. It is much better to let it all out in the open rather than wait for the anger or frustration bide its time and burst out in violence in future. It might be too late then to find a remedy for whatever issues that we face.

Image from guttmanlawfirm

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