Monday, April 25, 2005

Grass is greener on the other side

I'll always feel at home whenever I visit Bangkok. This is the case again when I spend three nights there during the weekend. The hospitality and the smiles welcomed me. I still venture into the dark streets and alleys but I feel so secure compared to the bright lights in Kuala Lumpur. There are more beggars and strays along the pavements but they do not pose a threat in comparison with the lurking danger from smart looking executives in my own home turf.

Does this have anything to do with that incident in 2002? Most probably I still carry the emotional and psychological baggage from that night. Did the knock on my head jumbled up my grey matter. Maybe. No one knows for sure. Thankfully the doctor did not find any damage in when he had my head x-rayed. I guess the physical aspect has healed but emotionally I'm still so vulnerable.

In that sense, Bangkok has come to the rescue repeatedly without fail. I managed to see 5 films during this visit. Interestingly three of them had love triangles in different modes. The film directors may have felt that love is ever expansive and encompasses a wider circle of participants rather than the usual duo combination.

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