Friday, April 29, 2005

Krishen Jit

Krishen Jit, the doyen of Malaysian theatre passed away yesterday. I have seen him now and then at performances and read his writings but do not know him personally. It is always admirable to have someone so dedicated to his craft and expanding the circle of like minded people.
It was good to hear a few years ago that he married Marion D'Cruz, a well known dancer in theatre circles. At least they were on the same wave length. It would be quite difficult for someone not in tune with Krishen's vision of the dramatic arts in Kuala Lumpur or Malaysia in general to stay abreast with him.
Sadly, our government has not given the right incentive to the performing arts. In the pursuit of developed nation status, those activities presumed not contributing to the national coffers are neglected. There is now and again a call for Malaysians to be more involved in the arts. But that call gets all the support and media attention for a limited period. No continuity. A character flaw of the nation.

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