Sunday, May 20, 2012

Malaysians must not compare our accident rates with other countries

The Malaysian Transport Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha said the high rate of accidents in the country should not be compared with other countries. He said that accidents are not limited to our country only. That is true and fine but what is the harm in comparing with others? We can learn from others, take the good and discard the bad, can't we? Or is that a treasonable act?

He mentioned that 100,000 people die on the roads in China and India compared to 6,877 motorists in the country who died in road accidents. We have a smaller population compared to those two countries and our numbers should be significantly lower. The recent deaths from bus crashes have increased the number of fatalities. We might even surpass other countries soon in term of deaths caused by road accidents.

Everyone acknowledges that Malaysian drivers are not the most law-abiding in the world as can be attested by the many horror recollections from visitors to our country. Doesn't that speak volumes on the road safety aspects here?

We have ample laws and regulations but as the hallmark of this country, implementation is not our forte. The authorities have mounted countless campaigns trying to educate the motorists but to no avail. Motorcyclists would of course be at the top of the list of the recalcitrant. This group of motorists seem hell-bent in trying the patience of other road users. There are some who abide by the law but they seem to be overwhelmed by those who ignore the rules blatantly.

We love doing things in our own way so maybe that is the reason the good minister said that we should not compare the road accident rate here with other countries. We are masters of our own destiny and we shall do it our way, the rest of the world, please take note.

Image from syamsyun84

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