Friday, May 11, 2012

Unwed teenage mothers need compassion and understanding

More people should read this particular letter to the editor titled “Unwed mums need compassion”. The main point of the letter is how we must help the teenage girls and their babies while trying to rectify the underlying problems.

The current solution of punishing the unwed mothers does not prevent cases of girls getting pregnant from occurring in future. Most probably girls who realise they are pregnant will hide the fact and even try to abort the baby. They do not have the support system necessary to cope with the pregnancy. The parents may not even be bothered with their daughter's life as many are pre-occupied with the daily struggle to make a living. The girl would be left to her own devices and the quickest way to get rid of the evidence would be to dump the baby.

When the decision to sever ties with the baby in that way, she has crossed into a different territory. It is doubtful whether any girl who dumped their baby escapes the condemnation of society over her act. She committed a wrong and must be punished, so says the law but do we care why it happened.

The reasons behind the act is the catalyst that brought the girl to that stage. Punishment alone is not going to solve the problem but a more holistic approach is needed so others do not succumb to the same drastic act. This needs everyone's help especially the parents. As the letter mentioned, reducing teenage pregnancies can only be done by concerted measures to provide sex education and offer openness to dialogue and to discuss issues. Parents in general have failed their children in this respect.

Compassion is not a popular word in this parts and when it comes to the teenage girls it is much easier to condemn and punish them. We need to change our mindset radically so as to help these girls and prevent cases of teenage pregnancies from increasing in the future. Prevention is always better than cure.

Image from justicespeaking

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