Sunday, June 10, 2012

Do pedestrians have any rights?

The experience mentioned in the letter to the editor today of motor vehicles running the red light at pedestrian crossings in Kuala Lumpur is well-known to those who walk in the city. The pedestrian crossings are timed to allow the pedestrians to cross the road within 20 to 30 seconds. In reality, pedestrians have to wait a few seconds just to make sure the cars have actually stopped before crossing the road.

I'm sure there have been studies on why motorists love to speed when they see the yellow light whereas that is supposed to alert them to slow down. Most probably motorists are confident that they can make it before the lights turn red. Some motorists do try to slow down but those behind them would be honking impatiently and urge those in front to continue driving. I guess motorists are the only ones who have to reach their destination within a certain time and those precious moments must not be wasted by stopping to let pedestrians cross the road.

These motorists might not have the experience of crossing a road as a pedestrian so they would not know what actually happened. As kings of the road who pay the road taxes they are entitled to lord it over the pedestrians. One or two pedestrians being knocked down should not be their concern. It was the pedestrian's fault for not letting the motorist to go first as he has the right of way.

Some motorists on Malaysian roads do not see the pedestrians at all but just concentrate on other motor vehicles. A case in point would be the mat rempits and other motorcyclists who weave in and out of the lanes. The element of surprise would always be there when a motorcyclist is suddenly by your side and the motorist does not realise there is a pedestrian in front. The poor motorist has to be alert of not just moving traffic but the pesky pedestrians.

It would be ideal for motorists if pedestrian crossings are abolished and they can speed as much as they can.  Pedestrians are not welcomed in the city.

Image from rainiervalleypost

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