Sunday, June 24, 2012

KTM services needs to be punctual

Being on time does not seem to be top priority for KTM as the letter to the editor today highlighted numerous incidents when the train did not arrive on time. It can even be a two hours delay and have involved passengers who are visiting our country.

That is the image they will bring back home, a public service provider who takes the consumer for granted. All of us have seen and heard many pronouncements that the service will be improved but when the core service, punctuality is not up to mark, what do you expect the public to say? Is the KTM management waiting for heaps of praise for the “good” service they have doled out to the public.

There is a definite disconnect in reality between the management and the passengers. The management will always apologise for the inconvenience caused, but do they actually feel and embrace that apology. It is just a word, conveniently put out to conform to the key performance index matrix as proof that they have taken action on a complaint. There will be another apology for inconvenience caused in future when another problem occurs.

The time lost and wasted by each passenger can be better used productively in other areas and it could be time spent with the family. No wonder many are stressed out by the end of the day. Taking the train was supposed to lessen the stress level but the delays have the opposite effect.

The town planners want more people to use the public transport as a way to ease the traffic congestion in our urban centres. The commuters want to do their part by taking the train but when they are confronted by frequent delays and breakdowns, an alternative has to be found.

Many choose to drive instead of taking the train out of frustration with the level of service provided. Then we are back to square one. Commuters are willing to be stuck in a traffic jam in the comfort of their own car rather than being cramped at the stations waiting without any assurance for the next train arrival.

Minutes ticking by, at least in the car, the driver knows that he is inching away to his ultimate destination even in the worst of conditions but at the station platform, the clock showing the arrival time of the next train keeps changing. The goal post keeps changing and your team will never win.

Image from wikipedia

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