Sunday, June 03, 2012

Malaysian job seekers pick and choose

The letter to the editor today reiterated the fact that most Malaysian employers would prefer to hire locals. The reality is there are many hassles when employing foreigners but locals seem to shy away from the many jobs available. Why? A random survey would almost always elicit the answer that the pay is low and they would prefer the freedom of working in a more unrestricted environment compared to what is available in the job market.

Malaysian job seekers are now very choosy and selective. They will pick and choose which job they want and consider first the working environment. The questions at the job interview would inadvertently revolve around the benefits that the worker will receive from the company. That is even before the prospective employer has outlined what is expected from the potential employee.

Times have changed and job seekers want the best possible package that a company can offer. I guess life is too short and we must get whatever we can in the quickest time possible. The tables have turned at the job interview and the employer are quizzed relentlessly on what benefits and perks can be expected during the terms of employment. Working conditions should be at the optimal best for the worker as that is the only way to enable him to give his best.

Times have changed from just the past ten or five years ago when school leavers would take any job offer that they can get in order to earn a living. Job seekers are willing to wait and stay at home rather than take any offer that come along their way. Meanwhile, some parents are in cohorts in this new attitude as they feel the children will be wasting their time if they work for a pittance in a job that they are not keen on. The children would of course be glad that the parents are behind them in their decision not to take the job offer.

That is the current scenario of the local job market. Jobs are there for the taking but Malaysians would prefer to bide their time waiting for that perfect job. The waiting is preferable to them.

Image from alexhilhorst

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