Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Steel Magnolia versus Iron Lady

Vintage Rafidsh who does not mince words is seen in the headlines again. Rafidah pointed out that Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil is not resigning as a minister on April 8, but the post is no longer hers as she is no longer a senator by that date. The minister's post is automatically void unless the senatorship is renewed. Shahrizat was appointed a senator after she lost in the 2008 elections and by virtue of that position, made a minister. It might just be a matter of semantics perhaps but it does give an impression that Shahrizat is sacrificing herself for the good of the party.

Shahrizat, the steel magnolia against Rafidah, the iron lady? The winner is? Not of immediate consequence to the majority of Malaysians except for those aligned and who might gain something by being seen as one or the other's supporter. That is how leaders and supporters feed on each other. The leaders' character might even be impeachable and untainted but sometimes the antics of the supporters and family bring down the whole edifice crumbling down.

In this case, Shahrizat for the better good of the party and in cognisance of the coming next general elections decided that she is better off being the sacrificial lamb. The “resignation” is a breather to the ruling party after all the noise over the Natioanl Feedlot Corporation issue. It is anyone's guess whether Shahrizat's decision would be taken positively by the majority of the electorate.

Image from skokienet

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