Thursday, March 08, 2012

Warranty period for maids?

A working mother found the solution to the perennial maid problem with the help of willing neighbours. She was fortunate that she had helpful neighbours but what about others? Social norms have changed a lot since the neighbourly atmosphere of days gone by prevalent in housing estates. At most, neighbours would just greet each other when they see each other going and returning from work. Qute often, neighbours do not know each other except during an event in the neighbourhood. There does not seem to be an effort among us anymore to get to know each other. Time is always a factor, with everyone “busy” with their careers.

In that situation, the hardship faced by another working mother is understandable. She laments the high cost of having a maid, with a deposit of at least RM9,000 for an Indonesian on top of a monthly salary of RM650. She questions why the warranty period is only three months compared to for example, an electrical item costing RM100 which has a guarantee period of one year. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Image from veryicon

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