Thursday, April 05, 2012

Malaysians are living as one despite the politicians antics

The letter to the editor in the Star today highlighted how close we are as Malaysians at the people's level without any interference from the politicians. The writer mentioned the Indian boy selling newspapers crossing the road even in rain so that his customers do not get wet, the Chinese aunt who is not conversant in Bahasa Malaysia or English but takes the trouble to remember her customers' preferences and the Malay man who helped solved a spat between two drivers, an Indian man and a Chinese lady.

Those examples are most probably the norm rather than the usual chest thumping and fiery speeches that we see and hear from politicians. The politicians play to the gallery and pander to the base instincts of their supporters. In reality, if the politicians did not stoke the fire, there would not even be a need for an official 1Malaysia campaign as the bond between us is strong. The majority respect each other and understand the differences of each race and religion. The minority few who do not want to acknowledge that we are in the same boat will always be the loudest trying to be the captain but in actual fact endangering the other passengers.

What can we do to take back control of where and how the ship will sail through the rough currents of today's world? The least we can do is highlight more of such deeds and acts that do not look at a person's race or religion first. If we are truly honest with ourselves we would realise that we are here on earth temporarily and must make the best of the given opportunity. The person beside you is a fellow human being. That must always be remembered.

A small deed, a smile, a pleasant expression might not seem much but it is a start. It might be an uphill task when there is so much emphasis on the negatives in the news. The scene can be changed when we ignore those negatives and concentrate on the positives. The positives seem tiny compared to all the problems that beset the nation but we are the ones in control of our destiny. We shall overcome. We, the ordinary folks will make this nation a great nation despite efforts to jeopardise our ambitions.

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